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Negotiate Your Way Through The COVID19 Crisis

Times of crisis typically bring out the best in people—and the worst. When pressure mounts, humans tend to exhibit one of two types of behavior: aggressive, or submissive. Fight or flight. Or, as I see it so often it in the world of negotiations, they tend either toward combativeness or unilateral concession. Neither of these behaviors is a value creator, nor is either a way forward to maximal success for either party.


In this book, I will show you how to avoid or escape the combative, zero-sum mentality, with its angry confrontations and conflicts. All so that you win, and so does your negotiating counterpart. To achieve the best levels of success, the outcome must be win-win—no one loses, because no one has to.


The advice you’ll find here is simple and imminently practical, built on solid experience over decades of advising and guiding others, and in my own negotiations. Here are the secrets of building overwhelming value for everyone involved, through the award-winning concept of NegoEconomics and the principles and strategies of SMARTnership. This advice and these principles apply to anyone challenged by the pressures of the current crisis, and they will apply long after this crisis is over.


The book is offered in the spirit of help. It exists to help individuals, families, organizations and governments of all types. But because its subject is negotiation, you might ask, “Isn’t it really just for business people and diplomats?” Well, it certainly is for such people, but if you look closely, you’ll see that all of us negotiate, every day, just in the course of daily living!


So, this book is for you, whoever you may be, and whatever your daily activities. And to take its mission of help a step further, it has been priced to be accessible to as many people as possible—and a portion of every sale goes to worthy charities, too.


I hope that you enjoy what you read here, and that you will apply it wisely and well for a better life and greater prosperity—for yourself, and for everyone around you. Because that is what the SMARTnership movement is all about.

— Keld Jensen

Negotiate Your Way Through The COVID19 Crisis

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